Took a year, but finally managed to modify the game on the original cabinet. Unlocked all music 500+ Music, iOS music, Event music, etc.
All arcade buttons, coin mech, headphone jack, LED and Speakers functioning! Still uses original security key (you cannot run with out a working unit). I created a launcher that’s able to play either the new version or the original 1.04 Offline version.
I’m trying to analyze it in my cabinet, but it doesn’t work.
Please tell me what kind of method or software you used.
Hope to hear from you soon.
The first part that’s required is to unlocking the original BitLocked drive, I’m not sure if you already know how to recover Bitlocker Drive, but there’s some information on it out there. Once you have the drive unlocked, there’s Bitlocked Virtual image within the drive that mounts game during boot process. My goal at first was get all the sega driver (from c:\windows\inf\, c:\widnows\system32\drivers\, etc) and run it on my own windows 8.1, but I ran into so much headache with certain sound drivers not working correctly, as well as issues with some other drivers, and game was laggy on full version of windows running on the Nu1.2 hardware. So it was best to just modify the original drive, What I did was I hooked a new launcher right before the mounting process and made it launch Decrypted omnimix game exe, the launcher allows selection of original or omnimix version of the game.
Hi, great to see someone has accomplished in this. I would like to do same to my original cabinet, but I’m stuck in getting the HDD unlocked. Any advice what to use to get the drive unlocked? Also I’ve looked into making clone of the original HDD before it breaks down. Any advice if that can be done with the drive locked?